The Perks of Printed Word Over New Media

A major advantage of the printed newspaper is these came into existence as part of the global society. For example, one can see many people on the subway trains reading Wall Street Journal subscription.

Similarly, anyone who has been to Switzerland knows that printed newspapers are a big part of the Swiss life.

In other words, printed newspapers are still in demand in 2020 and a major reason is these have been in existence way before the digital newspapers came into being.

It is a common scenario in the Swiss trains that many commuters prefer to read the newspaper. For the majority of readers, newspapers are essential for the functioning of the society and these will not disappear in the future.

How Printed Newspapers Beat the Digital

It is clear that printed newspapers are here to stay and will not be wiped out by the digital subscriptions in the coming future.

But, many of you might wonder as to on what basis are we are so confident.

Let us share with you two reasons why a printed Wall Street Journal subscription will not go out of style.

Although many would argue that we can take a Smartphone too everywhere, but what about receiving network everywhere during your daily commute?

Here, the printed newspaper takes the lead, as you can read it anywhere without any worries about losing out.

The reader can take the printed newspaper anywhere, and these are more convenient to read as compared to the mobile or tablet screens.

Moreover, newspapers also provide their readers with quality information after verification from various sources, which is where the digital newspapers will always lag behind. Many of the newspaper readers do not trust the online news. The Wall Street Journal subscription especially the printed edition will not go out of style just due to the digital subscriptions. Printed newspapers have and always will be the first preference of newspaper readers.


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